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Performathon 2019

Performathon date: 4/14/2019


1st Half: 1pm-2:30pm

2nd Half: 2:30pm-4pm

Location: Jacobs Music (2540 Brunswick Pike, Trenton, NJ 08638)

Donation Page:

We hope to see you there!

The amazing performers for this year were: 


Effie Li, Sammi Li, Jennifer Liu, Talia Black, Henry Liang-Gilman, Sarah Chen, Yiting Qiu, Alyssa Xu, Amber Wang, Jacqueline Chen, Parth Gupta, Averie Wu, Mary Nielsen, Taksh Gupta, Locke Cai, and Sarah Liu.



Final update before the performathon:


We have raised about $3900 (including matching and offline donations), which means we have soared past our goal (130%)! Thank you all so much for your support and generosity! We hope to see you at the performathon!




  The final amount we have raised is $6117, which is more than double our goal! We are so glad so much money was raised for such a good cause! We couldn't have done it without the huge efforts of the performers, generous donors, and everyone's support!


  Special thanks to Mrs. Ingrid Clarfield and Mr. Todd Simmons for supporting our musical journey and showing us how to be people who give back. Also special thanks to Mr. Bob Rinaldi, Mr. Norman Seldin, Mr. Randy Brown, and Jacobs Music for providing such a wonderful venue and reception for our Performathon!

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